Identify your Values - Exercise

list of values try 2 clearer.PNG

Values can be a very helpful reflection to bring clarity and support self-awareness overall, its also particularly useful when going through a transition or when trying to figure out your way forward in life or with a goal. In most sitaution (and for most people) identifying a value which is coming up is usally quite straightforward, I have found that most people can tell me what value is coming up for them and how they feel or think about a situation, big or small.

This exercise is intended to be used as a reflection on your life overall, however it can be helpful in certain situation as well. If you are finding it difficult to separate e.g. professional & personal life, you can separate them and look at them together to see if anything overlaps at all and what is different.

Also something to note: if the values you pick seem too similar (or variation of the same theme), try picking some in different groupings (if they resonate) – if the wording doesn’t sound quite right or you would use another word (or even in another language), write that down. It might be that a lot of the words resonate, or you know are important, try and choose ones which resonate the most strongly for you.

Some questions linked to the list of values above:

  1. My top 5 values are (no specific order):

  2. Out of those 5, my top 3 in order of importance are:

  3. The 1-2 values I have the least connection to or am more neutral on are:

  4. Are there any values which co-exist and sometimes come into conflict, opposition, or need balancing (i.e. dualities) for example; structure & flexibility, collaboration & individuality?

  5. Have any of these shifted over the years? If so which ones and what caused that shift?

  6. How do you see the values you have chosen show up in your daily life? Where is there harmony and where is there conflict that arises?

If you are interested in working more with your values, there is an online self-led course here and I also do coaching (group and 1:1) feel free to get in contact about those.


Perception exercise


Support Systems - Part 2